SD-WAN - also known as software-defined wide area network - has only been available commercially for the past few years, and yet the technology could grow at a remarkable rate. The reason behind this growth stems from DX - digital transformation.
This is where enterprises use 3rd platform technology such as the Cloud, Big Data and Analytics and social business to unlock innovations. Another factor that affects the growth rate is the use of the cloud as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. SD-WAN adoption is increasing, and the proof of this lies in the fact that this segment of the networking market will hit US$4.5 billion. There is a prediction that the year on year growth of this will be in the margin of 40.4%. This figure is set to be up until 2022, and has been growing since 2017 - a five year prediction that is set to be true given that the SD-WAN revenues grew by almost 84% in 2017! This enabled the cash to reach $833 million alone, according to IDC's recent SD-WAN Infrastructure Forecast.

SD-WAN Market Factors

Businesses across the globe consistently look for ways to decrease how much physical technology they are using, which is attributing to the growth in SD-WAN adoption. Some of the market factors include:
Digital transformation - including network virtualization, the cloud, and mobility.
SDN acceptance
The rise of cloud-based software


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